Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13

What a wonderful weekend.   What wonderful weather.  Kind, balmy days.  Crisp piles of leaves dancing across the sidewalks.  A happy boy who is finally feeling better from his week of malaise.

And today-- gatherings of friends galore:  A birthday party for Jack's preschool friend Scarlett, Second Sunday Soup, and dinner swap...

Much sweetness to celebrate (along with some to eat-- homemade apple crisp and cookies from Corbo's bakery?  how could I not?)...

This morning, a wonderful walk in our neighborhood; a trip to the park that turned into a ramble along the edge of the gully, and then exploring down to the stream, the quiet of grand old trees and English ivy everywhere.

A relaxing morning with the Sunday paper and children who played quietly together, off and on.  A clean house and time to play with my boy.

The chance to meet and bond with some other preschool parents, while enjoying the antics of 17 children dashing through a birthday party.  The looks on the 4 year old faces as they held their "freeze" poses during the games; Ivy joining the dancing; children crowding around the couch, closer and closer as the presents were opened...

A small, warm gathering for Second Sunday Soup-- we all fit (sort of) around a table!   Candles lit and conversation and wine and desserts; children drawing in the living room, playing in the yard, shrieks of laughter abounding.

Ending the evening with an hour and half spent with the dinner swap crew.  Tea and cookies and the talking-over-one-another conversation born of familiarity.  Delicious all around.

Our little faux-fire is burning cheerily away, and four candles still flicker in the wall sconce.  The dog is snoring next to me on the couch, and the laundry is folded all around us.  I am not in a hurry to go to bed...

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