Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29

Happy Leap Day!

I had high hopes to do something extraordinary with my extra day this year.  But Leap Day fell on a Wednesday and its hard to fit in anything extra on a Wednesday, much less anything extraordinary.

The weather, at least, was remarkable.  Sixty-five sunny degrees this afternoon, following on the heels of a blustery rainy morning.  The children spent the afternoon out of doors and it was lovely to while away our evening in  the backyard, playing soccer with Jack, pushing Ivy in the swing, eating an ice cream treat at the tree-stump table, shooing away bugs.  Yep.  Bugs, in February.

Its a weird world.

I feel like my 30 (29) days this month has gone out with a fizzle.  I've been low on energy and this month's challenge certainly required an extra push of energy to accomplish each day.  Totally worth it, on the days it did happen... but hard to muster the motivation this past week....

What have I learned from this exercise?

That I need a full-time housekeeper.
That little details matter to me, if I let myself notice.
That I can't possibly keep this house as clean as I wish it could be, not right now.
That it is OK to embrace the imperfection.
That I can make small changes and that they do make a difference--if I can pay attention to the small things in the face of the larger chaos.
That I am not sure I am going to keep going on this one, long term.
Maybe weekly.
We'll see.

Tune in tomorrow for a new Thirty Days...

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27

There was a school shooting today at a local high school.  A teenage student, a child really, walked into a school at 7:30 in the morning and shot 5 people.  Two of them have died.  Senseless and terrifying violence; the deep sadness of how that young person must have been failed in his life, how badly he hurt; how helpless we are in the face of the darkness, sometimes.

Puts it all in perspective, you know.  Crayons strewn around my dining room?  Endless laundry?  Dirty windows?  All of that fades to nothing in the light of my healthy and safe little family, in light of the lives entrusted to my care every day, in light of what really matters.

No cleaning tonight.  Just snuggling with my dog in the cozy imperfection of my home, being grateful for life.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26

We rented the Rug Doctor today.  Can't say we don't know how to have fun around here.

It is cathartic to dump all of that disgusting, blackened water down the toilet.  Cathartic and a bit disturbing, to think we've allowed children to play on these carpets...

They are much, much cleaner now.

Also, we flipped our mattress and cleaned behind the bed.  Scary place, back there.

It is much, much cleaner now.  Let's just focus on that, shall we?

It's been a quiet weekend around here, sunny and cold, calling out for pajama pants and the newspaper and random cleaning projects.  I am glad to say we've followed through on all of the above.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23

There are some weeks when you mostly just get by, and deep cleaning and blogging both go to the wayside.  This week has threatened to be one of those weeks; just on the edge of being one of those weeks.  But not quite.  A spontaneous visit from Claire today spurred me to some action last night.  While it was not site specific deep cleaning, it was a good midweek tidying and I'm going to count it for now.  Tonight we are ensconsed with tea and chatting so any more tasks will have to wait til tomorrow.  I'll try to think of a good one.

Late February Haiku

Twenty-three days fly
a forty degree blur of
spring wishing for snow

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20

Happy President's Day!

Three day weekends are wonderful in so many ways.... turns out they are a boon to a 30 day cleaning challenges, too.  It was good to have a grace period today in which to finish the weekly chores that got put off during the first two days.

Today we put the couch back together and continued deep cleaning of the "under-parts" of our living room.  Also, the upstairs carpets and bathroom got a thorough treatment courtesy of Jack's bout with the stomach flu last night...  you can see I am trying hard to see the silver lining of our SECOND go around with this delightful illness, this winter.... blerg.

It was, at times, a LONG long weekend.  But appreciated nonetheless.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19

Tonight's deep cleaning is brought to you by Jack's Legos.  The boy dropped a couple  of the tiny little "shooters" from his new Clone Trooper ship, while sitting on the couch.  After sticking my hand down into the crack between the cushions (ewwww) to rummage about for them, and finding one shooter, the dog's comb, 2 pens, a playing card, and an unthinkable amount of general detritis, the evening's project began. The kids enjoyed taking allll the cushions off the couch and they thought the fold out bed was an untold treasure.  As I type the cushion covers are in the dryer (we'll see if we can get them back on...)  We vacuumed all the surfaces of the couch that we could reach, over and under and behind-- and never did find the second shooter.

But our couch is much, much less squalid than it was earlier today. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 16, 17, and 18

I have mentally posted several times over the past three days but it hasn't worked out, eh?

Sorry about that.

I've been working to keep up with the daily cleaning amidst my daily grind and a lot of laundry, and I've been doing alright, but the one thing to suffer has been my blogging.

Thursday, my relaxing evening of cleaning living room baseboards while watching Grey's was derailed when Ivy-girl decided we needed 45 minutes of togetherness at 8:45 (the precise moment when I got downstairs from tucking Jack in).  I took out my frustration on the walls, baseboards, and floor to the left of the fireplace.

Friday, we hunkered down for TV-on-the-computer, making up the Grey's episode, and I didn't get a damn thing done beyond the basic dishes.  No good excuses.  Just that Fridays are long days recently, with tutoring both before and after school, on top of the cumulative impact of life-as-it-is for the week before.

Today's been lovely, sunny and blustery and colder than it looks, in a good winter-time way.   Nat and I had lunch out together, courtesy of a playdate for the kids at a friend's house.  We went to the playground, and to the mall, and had a wonderful time playing Legos with Jack.

And, I cleaned baseboards and floors in the dining room and deep-cleaned the hallway next to the basement door. 

Not to mention all the inane typing I'm doing now.

Much better.

Happy weekend, all!  I have three days off this weekend, which is one of my very favorite things in life.  Three day weekends are just the way life should be....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15

Tonight I tackled the inside of the back door, and the wall, baseboard and floor proximal to it.  The main reason this area looks so much better probably has less to do with my scouring and bleaching, and more to do with the fact that I removed about 47 coats, 2 bags of recycling, several pairs of shoes, and an assortment of other random objects from the vicinity.  Oh that it could stay that way.

At least now we'll be piling our stuff onto clean surfaces.

As has often been the case, focused attention on one defined area opens up 5 more for consideration.  I think I have my next week planned out, all in that corner of the kitchen.

I dream of a real mudroom someday.

On to haiku.

Nat and I discussed poetry last night.  (For those of you who know Nat and his long-standing opinions on poetry, this may come as a shock).  Being my sweet, loving, biased husband, he had nothing but good things to say about my recent haiku experiment (thanks, darling!)  Yet we managed to continue to explore the topic for a good 20 minutes past my bedtime. Through the course of our discussion I realized the practice of haiku actually dovetails surprisingly well with my 15 minute-deep-clean challenge.  There is a wonderful economy of scale to both-- of time, of syllables-- that forces me to step away from my distracted, multi-tasking, verbose and scattered self, and find a focus point.

Two small daily practices that leave the world just a little better than it was before.

Dyson Haiku

(or, Haiku for Donna)

sleek silhouette fits
so well a midst coats, but I'd
much rather leave it out

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

In honor of this day of love, I will not be deep cleaning tonight.  Also because its Tuesday and I'd rather watch my show and try to get some sleep in spite of a sick little girl.

So there

I will, however, try my hand at a

Valentine Haiku

hearts full of love to 
the end of the galaxy
and back home again

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13

Happy day-before-Valentine's Day.

On that note I am here to tell you that I will NOT be doing a deep clean tonight.  Taking the night off to make more of a mess and go to the wire with valentines.

Next year, I am starting this process earlier.

glitter haiku

marker streaks the table
shards of shine cling to little
faces and fingers

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 11 and 12

Busy weekend.   Much cleaning.  Definitely, much vacuuming!

Cleaning tasks undertaken this weekend:

Cleaning the outside, inside, back side, and surrounding space around our little electric fireplace heater.  Objects found underneath said heater:  A domino, a plastic easter egg, a wooden bead, a marble, and an orange dog ball.  And some collections of dog hair big enough to be counted as objects.

Washing walls and tiles and everything in between on the window and sink walls in the bathroom.

Other tasks undertaken this weekend: 

Baking and decorating 4 dozen cookies for the Valentine's Tea. 
Making Dinner Swap and a vat of baked potato soup (credit for the latter going to Nat).
Preparing said Valentine's Tea.
Taking children swimming.
A rather ridiculous amount of shopping at Zagara's and Target that somehow needs to happen weekly.
Building and painting and installing a new window seat (credit for this venture again goes to Nat.  And by the way, the new window seat rocks.)
A number of games of checkers.
Creating homemade Valentine's while simultaneously supervising the use of glitter by several children.

Lest you think that deep cleaning our house is my life.

Valentine haiku

heart shaped paper scraps
the laughter of children shines
like so much glitter

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10

The Dyson has landed.

Sadly, the evening has been full of children playing marbles and dashing about and being put to bed...

OK, none of that is actually sad.  Actually, that's all wonderful.  

But, I haven't really been able to spend time with my vacuum.

We tested it out on the living room and dining room rug and that baby can turn on a dime, let me tell you.

Tomorrow-- the stairs!

On that note, I have to admit-- no deep cleaning tonight.

I blame the children and marbles and dashing and...

I am tired.  

Friday haiku

winter's back today
barely-snow dusting roads and
putting spring on hold

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9

Give a girl a thirty day cleaning challenge, and she's bound to... decide she needs a career change? 

Driving home from work today I had this sudden impulse that really, what I ought to be doing with my time is to be a Lactation Consultant.  I felt it, with great certainty. 

Not quite sure where this all came from.  I mean, it wasn't even a bad day at school.  But the more I think about it, the more I think, "Why not?"  Why not be working towards something that I think would be a fulfilling option for my future?

Um, I don't know, Amanda.  Maybe your complete lack of time, money, or energy to take on anything new?

Nah.  That's nothing.

When not researching requirements for Lactation Consultant certification, I cleaned the cupboard that holds our kitchen trash can (which really ought to be done more often, let me tell you) and also Ivy's nursery glider.  The latter was prompted by Ivy peeing on said glider when we briefly left her in her room, "nakey" at her request.  Need to get that girl potty trained.

No haiku today.  I think I am aiming for more of a haiku-every-3-or-4-days-or-so than a haiku-a-day this month. That's just going to have to be OK.

My Dyson might come tomorrow.  Just wait til this weekend.  A great furor of cleaning shall descend upon this house. 

Just in time for us to cover it in glitter on Sunday...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8

Holding your breath, weren't you???

Last night, Nat and I teamed up and cleaned out the sideboard-- emptied, dusted and wiped down, and re-filled in an orderly fashion. Definitely a "secret" cleaning job; no one but the two of us will ever know it was done.  But we will know!  And it will be lovely to be able to get out a serving bowl without jimmying and rearranging and cursing about all the *&%# crap in the way...

Tonight, I dusted and cleaned the foyer window seat--- and all the space underneath.  I do believe radiators were invented just to hold dust and dog hair.  Once more, a job that will likely go unnoticed by any passers-by, but I am content in the knowing that there is that much less dirt in our home.

Haiku for midweek days

early morning drive
darkness not yet giving way
thank god for coffee

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7

A Tuesday Haiku

sixteenth notes fly by
left behind but not alone
in concert with friends

Still trying to decide on what to tackle for tonight's cleaning task.  What to do in my 15 minutes at home for the day, in between the end of Parenthood and the beginning of "Oh my, I REALLY need to get to bed because 5:10am is really not that far away anymore..."

What can I reduce by 1/3 tonight?

Does cleaning a bunch of junk out of my school bag count?

Stay tuned for the big decision tomorrow...

(NOW I've got you coming back for more, don't I?  Oh, the suspense....)

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 4, 5, and 6

Daily blogging may not be my thing.

Sorry for the lack of exciting, exciting cleaning updates.  I am sure you've had a hard time living without them.


Quick update:  Saturday, we went to a wedding. Just Nat and I, out with other grown ups, all dressed up, for a good 5 hours.  Crazy. 

Also this weekend we took several walks, took the kids swimming at the J, and rearranged our living room. 

You wouldn't believe what a difference that makes.  The room seems huge now, if a bit off-kilter.  The couch is sitting at a jaunty angle to allow us to expose the radiator in front of the window, for which Nat is making custom cover/window seat bench.  Also in the works:  Plans for built-in-looking bookshelves to either side of the fireplace, a new paint color scheme, and a new 2-seater couch and several chairs.  The last 3 items listed are awaiting and influx of time and/or money (or perhaps merely an idle weekend and a calling to go to IKEA....hmmmm...)  but we DID manage to clean thoroughly under not only the couch but the radiator that's been hiding behind it all this time.  Talk about forgotten. 

Also tackled in 30 minutes or less this weekend:  overhaul of pantry in kitchen.  Goodbye expired canned goods, hello to a new arrangement that allows one to see at least 86% of the food we have. Plastic bins on the pull out shelves-- a brainstorm I can't believe I didn't think of til now...

Tonight, most of my cleaning time was spent on something outside of the house.  The kids and I took the can to the car wash where they played hide and seek while I vacuumed, followed by lots of giggling in the automatic wash bay.  Further cleaning time was devoted to unloading the bag of random crap I took out of the van before we left.  So, the only house-bettering job of the evening was to rearrange the junk drawer.   Once again, I got to throw out a lot of old and useless things.  I do believe there is a "rule of 1/3": by removing about 1/3 of whatever is in a space, things can be improved immensely.  So far, it's been pretty easy to get to "1/3" simply by taking out things I won't really miss anyways.  If I can apply the rule of 1/3 to the entire house??  Just imagine!

Haiku for a February night

Sunshine and laughter
Playing tag in the backyard
When did they grow up?

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 2 and 3

We went out to a play last night.  It was grand, it really was.  We didn't get home til just about 11.  On a school night, who knew.

Believe it or not, I DID do a cleaning task last night, just ran out of awake time to blog about it.

Yesterday's project:  the counter to the right of the stove, and the window and wall to go with it.  Time spent: 20 minutes
Tonight's project:  the stove itself (inside and out) and the window and walls above it. Time spent: 25 minutes (while listening to Nat teach Jack how to play Magic.  Which was just about the most entertaining thing ever.  Could've kept cleaning all night except for it being Jack's bedtime...)

I don't know why we've waited this long to wash those windows.  What a difference! And it wasn't even that hard.

Again these past few days, the hardest thing has been stopping after one project is done. It is a struggle to draw that imaginary line between one area and the next, to stop and leave the grime and grit where it is... until tomorrow.

Next up-- pulling out the stove to sweep behind it, and the inside of the pots and pans cupboard.  Yippee.  We need new lining for the bottom of the shelves in there-- cast iron and other metal objects being dragged around for years on end has really done a number on the white contact paper we have in there right now... any recommendations?

I'm going to sleep on the haiku.  Turns out 17 little syllables can be tricky to come up with when you don't start trying til 11pm....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1

Welcome to February!  I have to remind myself-- its ACTUALLY February-- because it was over 50 degrees out today.

With the advent of Spring-in-February, and in honor of my new Dyson (which I have yet to order as I made the mistake of asking for advice on Facebook and now I am even more indecisive than I was before...) I announce to you my new Thirty Days challenge:

I will spend 15-30 minutes per day making one small, focused part of my home better.  Cleaner, less cluttered, organized.  Thoroughly improved.  Including the parts no one sees.  And windows.

I am excited about this challenge because I know outer order brings inner order. And I can always use some more of that.  Also, our house is cluttered and generally grimy these days, as if we had two small balls of chaos and one mid-size ball of fur ransacking it day in and day out...

The interior of my dreams is as yet out of reach (mostly because an off-white couch just isn't practical right now, even if it IS Danish modern...).  But, I think I will be happier if it is at least CLEAN.

Tonight I started small, focusing on the area to the right of the kitchen sink.  Coffee station, mug shelf, spice rack, and the walls and floors proximal to those areas.  Time spent: 22 minutes.

It was cathartic, and dare I say, fun.  I threw out 12 jars of ancient spices that would need an ice-pick to remove their contents.  I wiped down each individual jar and lid that remained before putting them back on scrubbed shelves that are now a different color than they were before.  Grout has been whitened, walls have been washed, several nice-sized cobwebs have been relocated to the trash can.  I discovered, in the course of my focused work, that there are a number of areas high up on our walls where patches of green paint show through.  The walls have never been green since we have lived here.  That's two inadequate paint jobs in a row.  Poor house.

In an ideal world my focused work would include a quick, targeted paint touch up.  But, I haven't yet cleaned and organized the paint cupboards, so there would be nothing quick about starting into a paint job just now...

I think the biggest problem with this challenge will not be finding the motivation to do it-- but rather knowing where and when to stop.  I tend to be a wandering cleaner, circulating and doing small tasks as I notice them.  This is different-- and good for me, I think.  Trying to do one small job and do it right.

It was difficult to walk from the kitchen to my computer as I noticed with every step another section of the house just calling out for some attention.  Compared to the gleaming surfaces of the spice rack and counter-to-the-right-of-the-sink, the rest of our home is impossibly grubby.

One day at a time.  30 days (well, 29 this month) is a lot of time and it is my hope that by the time March rolls around, a month of small steps will have made a visible difference.

And because one   challenge just isn't enough... I feel like writing a cleaning blog may not provide quite the writing outlet I might wish for.  Should I continue a daily gratitude post along with?  Or how about, per my lovely poet-friend Donna's suggestion, a daily haiku?

I'll opt to try my hand at the latter tonight.  Do let me know your thoughts, though!

Spray-bottle in hand
Lifting layers of our past
One swipe at a time
