Tuesday, April 2, 2013



Let's just pretend that March only had 19 days, ok?

Between that nasty cold, traveling to Wyoming, and a period of ennui in between, there wasn't a lot of poetry in my heart the last few weeks of the month.

I lie.  There was plenty of poetry in my heart in Wyoming.  I do love it there.  But being on single mom duty, with a time change, and the altitude... Excuses excuses....

A part of me wants to try again this month, as apparently it is National Poetry Month.

A part of me also wants to get my arse back on the exercise bandwagon (illness plus travel is also bad for one's gym routine....) with something ambitious like exercising every day...

A part of me is waiting for inspiration to strike, for a good, meaningful focus to appear before me... Something that will keep me going for a full, life-shifting Thirty Days...

I'm going to blame the time change again, and beg for a few more days to decide...

More later....
