Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30

I am grateful for these past 30 days, which have been just what I've needed.

I may well keep this up.  We'll see.

October will bring 30 days of conscious and conscientious eating and I am trying to be grateful in advance for how good I'll feel because of it.  Even if I think I am missing September's 30 days, already.

Today, I am grateful that the rain held off until we were just about ready to leave Hale Farm.  I am grateful for the patient and friendly service at Chick-Fil-A.  I am grateful that my 3:00 math group went more smoothly today.  I am grateful for lad back dinners and happy children making messes in a playroom and comfortable time spent with the best of the best of friends.

I am grateful for the love I am feeling in my heart just now, as I think about my day and the people who have been a part of it.  This month has been a lot about people, and all the love, and my kids of course.  And the weather.

But mostly, it's been about time.  Time, and the glory of it.  How lucky we are to have each day, even the worst days, certainly the best days, most especially the ordinary days in between...

Collection of "last lines" from each post this month...

I am grateful for what I have and for what I have yet to reach.
I am grateful for three day weekends. This is the way life should be....
I am grateful for delicious grilled chicken and salad, for the abundance of food, for coffee with cream, and the blessing of time to enjoy it all.

I am grateful for friends.  I am grateful for time.  I am grateful for the chance to sit with my feet up for a few moments.  I am grateful to be home.
I am grateful that a bed and a new day tomorrow await.
I am grateful for graham crackers dipped in milk

I am grateful for sunshine peeking out from behind a cloudy week.
I am grateful for how much I laughed today.
I am grateful for all the ways the stars have aligned in my life.  Even when I am tired.

I am grateful for my children who love to play together, all of a sudden.  
I am grateful for the chance to affirm that yes, I've got my priorities straight.
I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday, though the weeks are starting to fly precipitously fast all of a sudden and I think I would be just as grateful for more Thursday, to tell the truth.
I am grateful that I am not trying to entertain the queen this weekend, that's for sure.
I am grateful that the weekend is not over yet.

I am grateful for hot tea and our faux-fireplace on a chilly evening. 
I am grateful that this give me the excuse to look for a larger dining room table. 
I am grateful for all the joy and laughter in my life.
I am grateful for the body I have, in this moment of my life, and I will choose to its beauty and its strength.  
I am grateful for quiet evenings and early bedtimes.

I am grateful for all the richness and fullness of my life, one event scheduled tight against the other with mere minutes to spare...
I am grateful for the opportunity to bring my focus back to where it belongs. 
I am grateful I had more than 5 minutes to write tonight.

Thank you all for sharing this month with me.  I hope you'll stick around for the next 30 days, too.  Have you started your own 30 days yet?  Link me to your blogs so I can support you too!


  1. Well done my dear. I couldn't be more grateful for you.

  2. What a wonderful thirty days! Well done, A.

