Friday, September 2, 2011

A day late and a dollar short...

That's me.

Forgive me for starting a day later than planned.  The beginning of this school year surprised me with its suddenness and ferocity.

But here we are, September.  And sometimes what you need to deal with the suddenness and ferocity of life, is a 30 day focus.

I'd almost decided this morning, on the goal of saving money somehow, every day. Goodness knows we could use some saved money right about now.

But.  This week has had its share of minor adversity, some frustrations at work, meetings mostly, which have left me a little emotional, a little raw.

And alongside that adversity has come a swell of support, from surprising corners, a realization that that in unity is strength and that we're never alone.

And I've been profoundly grateful.

So my 30 days?  Gratitude.  Five minutes, timed, each night, to commit to paper everything from that day for which I am grateful.  Five minutes to focus on the positives alone, on the negatives only insomuch as they might, too, make me grateful.  Five minutes to reflect and realize the beauty and favor that I have in my life, an appreciate it deeply.

Saving money will just have to wait til October.

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