Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7th

Today I may be too tired to be grateful. We'll see.

I'm grateful for:

Chic-Fil-A, that ridiculously named and over-Christian establishment with the ridiculously good chicken and customer service, offering a one-stop evening plan wherein my children actually EAT something AND get to run and play in tubes. Add in the bonus of running into two seldom-seen friends while we were there... I am grateful for that one, smooth, enjoyable hour of my day.

I am grateful for my son, grateful that he is a boy who responds to a loud and in-your-face older child's behavior by calmly, clearly saying, " I don't like when you do that."  I would be more grateful if said older child had respected my son's request, but I am still pretty damn proud.

I am grateful that my children, in addition to be lovable individuals in their own right, are becoming real siblings all of a sudden.  Jack helps her and plays with her and seeks out her company in his games; Ivy listens to him.  Sometimes.  I would be more grateful if their emerging sibling relationship did NOT include yelling matches and grabbing each other's hands and arms, but I am still pretty damn pleased with them.  I complimented Jack tonight, on how he helped his sister and he said, "Yeah, I did a big brother way."  Yeah you did, buddy.

Have I mentioned I am grateful for him?

I am grateful for books on tape and a quiet commute to start and end long days.

I am grateful for spinning class and how it makes 5am worth it, at least once its over.

I am grateful for the blessing of a really excellent substitute teacher to cover my classroom while I attend meeting after meeting after *^%$#^&* meeting.  I am grateful that my students still seem happy to see me in the brief moments I have been in my room this week.

I am grateful to have my job, in spite of all this.

Somehow I have managed to turn a gratitude journal post into a bit of a vent session.  But I am grateful to have this place to let off some steam and refocus.

And I am grateful that a bed and a new day tomorrow await.

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