Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6th

Today I am working hard to be grateful.

I am grateful for:

New babies heading into this world in January and February, and all of the excitement they bring, the bits of joy and anticipation and the coming-together that happens when a bunch of women work together and then get to coo and kvetch about pregnancy and newborns.  The new bonds that come from shared motherhood.  I am grateful that I get to welcome some new friends into that fold.  And grateful for their healthy babies-to-be, their uneventful pregnancies.  I am grateful to be counted in their support system.

I am grateful for food provided before curriculum night, with the chance to share some pretty solid pulled pork and the company of my colleagues.

I am grateful for all the opportunities that have come, and continue to come, to find unity and strength and new friendships through our shared frustration.  It turns out that I work with some pretty amazing people. It turns out we are never alone.

I am grateful for a husband and a mother and that network of love that allows me to work a 14 hour day knowing my children are secure and happy in my absence.

I am grateful for a night-time nursing and snuggle with my daughter, for her soft hands and kissable hair and utter contentment in my arms.

For my dog who knows how to ask me to sit on the couch with her, who says so much without words, who is a true companion and not to be taken for granted.  I am grateful for all pet dogs and the opportunity they give their people, to experience a totally pure kind of love.  Even if a dog's life is too short.  I am grateful for each moment with my girl and hoping for 15 years with her too....

For a quiet house and a school bag in the car and connections with far off friends over the internet.  I  am grateful for Facebook, silly addictive thing it is, for the glimpses I get into the lives of people I love.  Just because I don't see them in person, does not diminish how glad I am to have each of them present in my life.

I am grateful for friends.  I am grateful for time.  I am grateful for the chance to sit with my feet up for a few moments.  I am grateful to be home.

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