Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9

Continuing to need occasional baked goods to get me through the day.  I blame the time change.

Tomorrow, a good run in the morning and then a 12 hour workday should get me back on track... hooray for conferences!

What to savor today?

The music we are learning for our Christmas concert with West Shore is blessedly easy.  We deserve this.  And is it lovely to feel that we are actually making music, already, even as we sight read through a piece for the first time.  A moment of feeling competent; a true treat...

Groups of teachers congregating in halls at 7:30, at 4:00.... not going off their separate ways but coming together.  Nevermind that the coming-together is to gripe and bemoan our current mutual frustrations.  In the midst of the griping are stories of our children, off-color humor, glimpses of the people behind the teacher-masks we all wear.  And that part is lovely.  And I'm not sure it would be happening if not for all the frustrations.  So there's a silver lining for you.

An evening of at-home with my kids... finger painting on the kitchen floor, splashy bubble bath, pizza (peeba!) for dinner, running pell-mell around the house pretending to jump off a raft (aka the dining room rug) and swim in the current, giggles galore...They're fun, these two.

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