Tomorrow is 11-11-11. We are eagerly anticipating jumping 11 times at 11:11.
Why not?
I look forward to this eagerly despite that fact that Nat is upstairs soothing a sobbing boy with a slight fever and raging case of conjunctivitis.
I continue to stand firmly on my new resolution, which is shifting slightly to be: "I refuse to let life get in the way of enjoying life!"
So there.
Long day all told, for everyone. Nat had 13 hours of shepherding the dynamic, and 1/2 snotty, duo around the town, while I spent that time juggling a nonstop day and 3 hours of very chatty parents at conferences.
The sweetness of today was hidden in little nooks. Like Nat's stolen moments with a snuggly boy in our bed for 20 minutes this morning. The upside of a sick boy.
A Chipotle dinner provided by our PTA, enjoyed hurriedly in the lounge at 3:45, a brief splash of camaraderie to brighten the afternoon.
Happy smiles on the faces of parents reporting their child's pride in bringing home a wonderful report card, rejoicing in progress, saying their child looks forward to school. The reward that goes so much beyond a salary.
The promise of a half day at school and a resale event in the afternoon tomorrow.
Life is good. See?
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