Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19

We've enjoyed ourselves a sick day today.  A good, old fashioned one.

Poor little Jack-man got hit by that same Mack truck last night, on the way back home from Legacy Village in fact.  In the car.  Good times. 

Moments like last night make me feel like I am really not cut out for this parenthood stuff.

Spent today making up for it.  

We huddled close to home all day to let the boy recuperate, and to take it easy on ourselves, too, as both Nat and I are pitiful coughing, voiceless things. It turns out, we don't usually do that-- just stay home. 

It was a long day. 

Not a bad day, all told;  no more puking after about 1am, and both kids were pretty happy all day.  But today certainly tested the limits of how long one can play aimlessly with a collection of three Bakugan at a 4-year-old's request. God love them, my children are sweet and loving and very amusing-- yet I am glad that most days allow me to enjoy them in settings beyond the walls of the playroom.    It did feel good, though, to know that I was giving them my undivided attention for such extended periods of time, no outside commitments or schedules or plans to interrupt us.   They deserve that more often.  They're very good little children.

That said, we did have a wonderful walk around our neighborhood this morning, wherein we enjoyed the best 30 minutes of the day, weatherwise, and collected pinecones.  We also went to Target, where we purchased a Christmas tree.  We bit the bullet and upgraded our artificial tree, to use this year when we plan to be out of town over Christmas.  Sigh.  The box is in our living room and I have to admit, I can see how people get caught up in the obscenely-early Christmas start-up.  I kind of want to set it up right now.  It's over there, calling to me with its promise of lights and magic and warmth and memory, that box of plastic greenery. 

But I shall wait.  At least until next weekend.  Because Thanksgiving is in 5 days, can you believe it.  I plan to be grateful that we are all healthy again. 

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