Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2

We've got to get the Halloween candy out of the house. 

I mean, seriously, how can I be expected to say no to Dots, of all things???

Other than that?  Not bad.

Had a great spinning class this morning.  The shaky-legs-going-down-the-stairs-after-class sort of great.  Was a good girl at school, snacking on almonds while I worked on paperwork. Nice long walk with the kids this evening.  So I'm going to call it even.

You know what's sweeter than a box of Dots?

61 sunny-perfect degrees on a Cleveland Heights afternoon, gracious trees dropping their leaves artfully, angling them just so to catch the yellow light and filter it down over houses, nestled in browns and greens with Jack o'lanterns still dressing their front steps.  Blue sky above and a little boy pointing out to me each white line made by an airplane. "Or maybe a rocket, mommy!"  Soft fall air and more neighbors to stop and meet and greet and friendly dogs sniffing and playing and a sticky-fingered baby joyously nomm-ing on a lollipop, content to watch and smile. 

It was a nice evening, here.

Hope yours has been, too.

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