A new year of Thirty Days begins!
I have good intentions on waxing philosophical about my experiences this past year, I really do. But not tonight. There are Olympics to watch and laundry to fold. And I think maybe I need to just think about it all a bit more...
In the meantime, a new month and a new goal. I have put a bit of thought into the year ahead and I will be alternating between three overarching themes: Physical Well-Being, Mental Well-Being, and Well-Being of Others. I will be trying to take small, discrete steps towards those larger goals.
For August I am going to be focusing on the theme of "physical well-being" by eliminating refined sugar (to the greatest degree possible) for thirty days.
Wish me luck on this one, people.
I am pretty sure I have a sugar addiction. Some people reach for a glass of wine when they are stressed, others smoke a cigarette. I down a bag of licorice.
This month will, I hope force me to be more mindful of my eating choices as I read labels and adjust my diet to follow this new rule. (It's just amazing how many foods have sugar as one of the first 5 ingredients! Spicy Pepper Spaghetti Sauce? Really? It's not even sweet!
Today has been a challenge already, mostly because it seems that most commercially produced breads, crackers, and cereal are right out, leaving me virtually carb-free for most of the day. I've managed to procure some sugar-free peanut butter and some diet English Muffins that have something called Sucralose way down on the list (is that even sugar) and I also had a few pieces of Mama Santa's pizza at Wade Oval Wednesday, so the day has improved. Not too man cravings today, though it was interesting how many times I thought to just grab a quick snack, but then stopped to think about the sugar content, and moved on.
This could be good for me.
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