Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15

Still running.

We've slipped into Farley's mode around here... time has slowed down and slipped by all that the same time as our routine of not-doing-much has clicked along.

Morning run, shower, coffee and cereal on the porch.  Play with children.  Dress children (maybe).  Go out in a boat. Go out on the water. Go on some simple errand.  Eat. Read. Sit. Drink coffee.  Check Facebook.  Go out in a boat. Go out on the water.  Dress children.  Play with children. Snack.  Sit. Talk. Play with children.  Eat.  Sit. Talk.  Eat dessert....

Life is good.  And with all the eating and sitting that are going on around here, it is a good thing that my days start with a run.

I am feeling good with the running.  I've done 4+miles on about half of my days here.   Not too shabby.  This morning it was still and swampy out and my 3 mile plod dragged along.  But other days, when the air is clear with a lake breeze... I've almost enjoyed myself. 

I may be a runner yet.

I've been doing a cycle of 4 days on and 1 day off, with the day off to include "active rest".  Farley's obliges with swims and canoes and kayaks to fit that bill...

We are here for only 4 more days, which is shocking and sudden and almost devastating when I think about it... even though there is a little part of me that is ready to go home, this time of stillness and being and lake water has just flown by too fast. 

Also, Nat heads off to Winnipeg for 6 days once we return home.  And on top of my many worries about those days of "single parenting" is the question of how I'm going to continue my running-- not just at home and back to the grind of house-and-life-- but no way to dash off on my own in the early hours while someone else gets the children up.

There's always the gym, I suppose.  And the kindness of strangers.  Anyone want to come watch my children while I run???

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