Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A new month....

Well, March was a bit of a wash.

It's difficult to go to bed early when the weather is so delicious, you know?

And it's difficult to stick to a diet when on vacation with two small children.  So there.  I have excuses.

But, it is April!

And I have just now, just this very minute, decided on a 30 day challenge.  I follow a blog, Ten Thousand Questions, which is updated daily by its very dedicated author, who poses interesting questions based on a weekly theme.  So, there at the top of my blogroll, every day, is a new question.

For the month of April, I am going to answer them.

I am looking forward to the focused act of writing that this will bring on, as well as the chance to explore unexpected topics beyond my usual sphere of home and school and children...

Today's question: 

What are some otherwise worthwhile things that you avoid because of the likelihood of running into difficulties and frustrations? This week's theme is frustrations. 

Frustrations!  An appropriate theme as frustrations come every minute some days...  This evening I avoided any further shopping at Target due to the likelihood of being frustrated by my exceedingly whiny children... but I am not sure that counts as "otherwise worthwhile"....

But here are things I do avoid:

Washing the windows
Painting the trim of the house
Getting the playroom organized
Applying for new jobs
Committing to a program of study (any one!) to further my future
Attempting to finish/publish any completed piece of writing

1 comment:

  1. Attempting to finish/publish any completed piece of writing
    This is a frustration you have had for a long time. i do so hope you will try to publish someday. Freelance writers can make a lot of $ for one article . This could also satisfy the new job frustration.
    You have always been a talented writer. I know you will be published some day. Love you.

