Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22

Today I am grateful for sunshine and balmy afternoons, for class outside and driving with my sunglasses on and the windows down.

I am grateful for the joy and wonder of new life-- new babies freshly arrived, the snuggly weight of a borrowed baby on my chest.  I am grateful for the camaraderie of motherhood, the sharing and laughing and connecting that comes from common experience.  I am grateful for the chance to give and help and use some of what I have learned in these past five years of my own motherhood journey.

I am grateful honey roasted peanuts and chocolate.

I am grateful for my students who work so hard and always inspire me with their spirits.  I am grateful for the chance to impact their lives and be a champion for them, to build them into stronger people every day. I am grateful for differences and the way they can bring us together.

I am grateful for a smooth week and the excitement of a soon-to-be weekend filled with friends and resale events.  I am grateful for the richness and beauty of my life.

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