Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4

What is one thing other people find enormously frustrating that you can tolerate with no problem? Do you sometimes do this particular thing as a favor for other people, in order to spare them frustration?

I really don't mind cleaning the bathroom.  In fact, I get rather an inordinate amount of satisfaction from a clean toilet, and keeping up with it myself is a lot easier than waiting for it to happen on its own.  To tell the truth, I am not sure that other people find this task "frustrating", per se (other people, in this case, mainly being Nat)-- but I do hear that people find it to be distasteful.  I'd certainly take this chore over cleaning a litterbox, that is for sure.

I am perfectly fine with paperwork.  I even enjoy writing IEP's and progress reports and data summaries and evaluations (provided, of course, that I have the time to focus on them.I enjoy crafting the words, capturing ideas and strengths and the very essence of a child succinctly and with respect.   I'd love to help other people with their paperwork if time allowed, actually... a full time job writing IEP's, with occasional moments of teaching reading 1-1 with students.... sigh....

Working with my students.  I have heard other people say they couldn't do it, they don't have the patience, etc.... I am not sure I've got all that much patience myself-- but somehow I get more of it when I am teaching my kids.  Somehow that element of being truly needed kicks in and it almost doesn't matter what they throw at me, I can handle it and figure it out.  The frustrations come after.  Or because of adults.  But rarely because of my kids.  I suppose, in a way, I am doing the school a favor by creating a haven for these children so that frustrations can be lessened, just a tiny bit, for the other teachers at the school.  Anything I can do!  Personally I think I've got the best gig going....

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