Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7

New idea.

Reading a Fitness Magazine while working out this morning, I happened upon an article about fighting the aging process in cells.  Among the various pieces of research was yet another study on the beneficial effects of sleep.

I don't need research to tell me that sleep is good.


Forget aging cells, we're talking major effects on my sanity throughout the day.

Reading this article this morning was apropo as a 12:30 bedtime, 5:30 wakeup and a little girl who now prefers to be up for at least an hour in between those times left me with about 4 hours of sleep last night.  A far cry from the recommended 7 to 8...

I wonder, sometimes, what my life might be like with 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

Only one way to find out...

I can't control little girl's sleep patterns (would that I could!) and I can't sleep in on weekdays... but what I can do, what I can control, is when I go to bed.

New challenge-- for the balance of my 30 days, I will prioritize sleep.  I will aim to be in bed by 10:30 at least 5 days a week.  I will get 7 hours of sleep most nights.  I will wait and watch and see if this changes things for me.  I will hope that at the very least it will help me keep an even keel when Nat and I start our  annual trip down diet lane starting next week.

And in the mean time I think I 'll continue to focus on gratitude. I may need to fit in writing time in the mornings....

But for tonight:

I am grateful for new learning, for books that resonate with my own thinking and validate my passions, for the chance to talk about big ideas with people who agree with me.
I am grateful for quick evening playdates with big little kids eating together and playing together, imagining and giggling and catching and dancing and wishing they could play more.
I am grateful for warm breezy days and spring sunshine and windows flung wide bringing a breath of optimism into the house and into my soul and leaving my children's hair smelling of outside and earth.

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