Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6

Today I am grateful for Friday, for a relaxing Friday, for a movie-and-hot-cocoa in the afternoon Friday; for kids who will work very very hard for movie-and-hot-cocoa in the afternoon; for a baby who is feeling better and has her sparkle back (oh, is her sparkle EVER back!); for a boy who loves playing cards and sobs when he loses even as he asks to play again; for a quiet moment at home, time to clean a kitchen and walk a dog and resettle myself and be oh-so-ready for the onslaught of love when my children get home; for my mom and her generosity and love and overall-wonderfullness; for the abundance in our lives; for clean bathroom floors and microfiber cloths; for new jeans and new boots and feeling a bit more put together these days; for my gym membership and my new Kindle and the joy and addiction of a great book; for my bed that awaits (soon!)....

Spending report:
Bought myself a case for my Kindle.  Spending ban broken.  BUT, I found a $20 lighted case with the same average customer review as the $60 lighted case.  So, I'm counting that.

Getting the cheaper version-- Savings:  $40

Also I totally bought an Americano this morning because its Friday.  But I DID pack my lunch.  Savings:  $6.00

I am now going to follow up on that whole Sprint discount thing.

Happy Friday to you and yours!

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