A tired week, this one.
This three day weekend could not come at a more welcome time.
It's going to headline my gratitude list for this evening, in fact.
Tonight I am grateful for:
3-day weekends
Frosty windows
Powdery snow coating the world in a gentle white
Real winter temperatures and that strange way they make you feel really, truly alive, the cold air bristling in your lungs...
Field trip days and well-behaved students
Wonderful books on tape and the joy of sharing them with kids
Hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies
The entertainment value of bathtime
The generosity of grandparents
A warm house to shelter in
A warm dog to snuggle with
Children tucked into warm beds
Children who slept well last night
(So very grateful for that one)
Tonight Nat and I were strong and did NOT order a pizza. Instead we enjoyed Melinda's scrumptious soup and ate up the rest of dinner swap and had a perfectly wonderful, healthy meal. Savings: $15
Also this morning I did NOT stop at Burger King as I thought about doing when I found we were out of cereal. Instead I pulled a "Becca" and had a bowl of baked ziti for breakfast. Savings: $3.00.
A good day on that front.
Savings goals for next week:
Make phone calls to reduce or even cancel out our land line phone bill.
Set up a better way to purposefully save my tutoring income
This weekend has its own goal: Three days off and many of our usual leisure activities center around shopping. What shall we do instead? I predict that we can find a way to both save money and do something far richer with our time...
Go sledding with the kids! Thats free:)