Friday, December 7, 2012

December 5, 6, and 7

5th:  Gathered a bag of food from our pantry and two bags of books from Jack's shelves.  Spent an hour trying to figure out where one takes a bag of food to put it to best use in this community.   FoodBank only gave me suggestions for how to organize a drive.  A noble thought but I am not up for organizing a drive, not this month.  Anyone know where one can take a bag of food in this city??

6th: Gave spare change to the "bikes for kids" fund at Rick Case, while paying for my oil change.  Thought to myself that during my "random acts of kindness " month I may pay for the next person's oil change.  Because it would be great, wouldn't it, to go to pay for that little, routine expense and find it already taken care of?

7th: Donated unused toiletries from my classroom stash to the FoodBank supply drive at school.  Got to wear a little sticker all day for doing so.

I've also discovered a lovely free way to give some loving care to the world.  Have you heard of  I heard the founder of this site give a TEDtalk on her work and I was hooked.  (by the way, the TEDtalk app is my new obsession...)  Now, just to find the time to handwrite love letters to people in need...

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