Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3

Tonight I am grateful for our neighbors, for the diverse and friendly group of people who make up this community.  I am grateful for chili and chips and chatting with friends.
I am grateful for a gym full of children and basketballs and the chance to run and play and laugh and focus on my boy.  I am grateful for the flush of his cheeks and the exhilaration in his smile.  I am grateful for the way he is growing, so tall, so full of enthusiasm for the world.

I am grateful for technology, for the wonders of this modern world, which we so often take for granted, that let us erase miles and bring a Grandfather and grand-daughter together in the same room for a few minutes.

I am grateful for the theaters at Playhouse square, for the murals and mosaics, the gilded plaster, for the forethought of the people who saved these spaces so my children could walk in and gape in wonder.  I am grateful for the light in their eyes as they waited for the show to start.  

I am grateful for this lovely Saturday with my family.

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