Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19

Tonight I am grateful that this is not a complaining blog.  Because I know how easy it would be for me tonight to launch into a litany of the myriad, miniscule things that made today unimpressive.  And no one wants to hear that. 

But maybe, just maybe, you might want to hear that my life is not, in fact, all sunshine and roses.  Not all the time, anyways.

 On to the gratitude.  May it work its magic...

Tonight I am grateful for my boy who loves his ice skating lessons.  This afternoon he skated 3 full laps of the rink, on his own, after his lesson ended. And by skated of course I mean"shuffled and fell a lot".  But-- with a smile on his face!  Asking to go around again each time!  I am amazed and awed by this.  And so proud of the little guy.

I am also grateful for his patient little sister, who occupied herself that whole time by doing various gymnastic moves on one of the little pusher-walker thingies that little kids use on the ice.  She's a trouper.  She says she'll try skating, when she's three.

I'm grateful for easy dinners in front of the TV, for quiet bedtimes and hot tea, for a good dog and good Breadsmith bread (toasted with gobs of butter).

I am exceedingly, wonderfully grateful that this is only a two-day week.

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