Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20

Living on an austerity budget, it turns out, does not make for inspired writing.  Or even the inspiration to write.  But for those of you looking for an update on how I'm doing, here you go.

So far, so good.

Week one ended with 20 dollars to spare.  Week two involved some money shuffling as Nat had to use the Target credit card a few times.  Nothing like going on austerity spending just as my husband is two weeks away from being paid for the first time since June.  Still ended the week with, I think, about $30 to spare.  Week 3 so far-- much easier as my husband has now been paid and has resumed his purchasing of most of the groceries.  I know I'll end this week with some extra to carry over... as long as you don't count travel the travel expenses for Winnipeg that went on our credit card this week (oops).

It turns out we spend quite a bit on groceries.  It also turns out that we can spend less on groceries, when we only buy what we need.  One thing that has gone by the wayside during this experiment-- the idea of "stock up and save."   I am such an insatiable bargain hunter that I often buy things simply because they are on sale. This habit, I realize, may well be the root cause of both the excess clutter in my home and my chronic lack of extra money.  I've had to consciously talk myself down from a number of purchases, rebelling all the while-- but, but, but... its such a great DEAL!... sigh.

Another way I've stayed on budget is by putting off larger purchases  for a few more days, pushing the cost of that laundry detergent from this week to the next, waiting til next month to buy the rest of Jack's school clothes, to pay for the roofing, to renew the museum menmberships.  Robbing Peter to pay Paul.  Not a long term solution, really, but it'll get you through a month of extreme budgeting.

What I am hoping to take away from this, in another 10 days, is some sort of deeper knowledge of just what I can do without in my life.  I think we've been more aware of free vs. paid activities.  We've been eating out less. I've gone pretty much cold turkey on the slight impulse-purchase-at-Walgreen's problem I have.  I think, just like candy, I'm going to leave that one behind me, beyond these thirty days.   Maybe I'll keep my cash-only budget going for a while longer.  I mean, not during Christmas season or anything, but for a little while...

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