Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10

I wrote on the 8th and 9th, I did.  Technical writing, I suppose you could call it-- present levels for an IEP and and Evaluation report.  Due to confidentiality I can't post the products of those writing sessions for you here.  Also, you would be bored to tears.

Tonight, something different.  In the midst of mad preparations for Ivy's party (read, wandering around the house wondering how in god's name it got so messy and how in god's name I'll possibly find time to clean it AND buy the remaining supplies AND festoon the entire property in rainbows all before Saturday at 4:00....) I think I need something different.

I used to write poetry, you know.  I remember enjoying it, quite a bit.

So tonight, a moment outside of time, to play with a poem.

watching you

slant-sun bright
on your face
as you balance

here in this
grocery store parking lot

surrounded by ordinary

trappings of life
comings and goings and cars
people downtrodden and laden
with paper bags and worries

here by this brick wall
with spring light

this pavement
edged yellow
a line stretching out

a hundred! 
your brother yells

all the invitation you need
for adventure

tiny shoes lined up
you walk a tightrope
celebrating each step

here in this grocery store parking lot
you stop
catch your shadow as it
bounces off the bricks

here in this ordinary
errand and evening

are a song.

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