Tonight I tackled the inside of the back door, and the wall, baseboard and floor proximal to it. The main reason this area looks so much better probably has less to do with my scouring and bleaching, and more to do with the fact that I removed about 47 coats, 2 bags of recycling, several pairs of shoes, and an assortment of other random objects from the vicinity. Oh that it could stay that way.
At least now we'll be piling our stuff onto clean surfaces.
As has often been the case, focused attention on one defined area opens up 5 more for consideration. I think I have my next week planned out, all in that corner of the kitchen.
I dream of a real mudroom someday.
On to haiku.
Nat and I discussed poetry last night. (For those of you who know Nat and his long-standing opinions on poetry, this may come as a shock). Being my sweet, loving, biased husband, he had nothing but good things to say about my recent haiku experiment (thanks, darling!) Yet we managed to continue to explore the topic for a good 20 minutes past my bedtime. Through the course of our discussion I realized the practice of haiku actually dovetails surprisingly well with my 15 minute-deep-clean challenge. There is a wonderful economy of scale to both-- of time, of syllables-- that forces me to step away from my distracted, multi-tasking, verbose and scattered self, and find a focus point.
Two small daily practices that leave the world just a little better than it was before.
Dyson Haiku
(or, Haiku for Donna)
sleek silhouette fits
so well a midst coats, but I'd
much rather leave it out
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