Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Time to dust off the pages of this blog for the beginning of a new year.

A new year, all shiny and clean, so full of possibility.  A blank slate of potential.  Every year we're going to change the course of our lives, aren't we?  Take the world and 2014 by storm.

I am lucky to have some wonderful realists for friends, to keep me grounded.  Some of the best resolutions I've seen posted tonight include, "I resolve to be even more awesome," and  "I will lower my expectations to increase my chances for success."

I like these.   I do.

Yet I still find myself called to dream big, lured by all that pristine newness into believing all things are possible.

And so, an ambitious list of resolutions to start the year off right.

1.  Run a half marathon.  This one, I feel confident about.  I've even signed up for an event in May!  Putting my money where my mouth is-- $40 anyways-- so that should keep me motivated.  In 2013 I think I did well with the running overall, especially with adding a mile to my distance every month.  So, let's do this.

2. Blog better.  Let me be specific with my goal on this one, because specificity helps.  I want to try to blog at least 2 times a week (across the two blogs) and I want my writing to be more intentional.  Not just a recounting of our daily exploits and a collection of photos (lovely as those may be!) but really writing, delving into issues that matter to me or playing with language and structure.  Maybe not every time I write, but sometimes.

So, I'm pretty pysched about these two resolutions.  I think these are measurable and doable and will help me toward those more esoteric goals of "losing weight", "being more healthy," and "making time for what matters to me".  But to accomplish number 1 and 2, I will need to...

3. Be more intentional with my time.  Here's where my nice, measurable list falls apart.  Because this one is big, and it could take myriad forms.  What I am thinking about right now is some combination of less Facebook and more attention to each task at hand, less multi-tasking and more quality work, and letting some things rest (laundry, I'm talking to you) in order to make time for what matters.  Whew.

Finally, I really hope to...

4. Keep improving my attitude.  In 2014 I resolve to seek contentment, practice patience, revel in gratitude, and find joy in these moments that are my life.  And most of all I resolve to be gentle to myself when I fail on this one.  And to keep trying.  I am still learning.

Adieu to 2013.  A fine year indeed for our family, full of sunshine and happy changes and gentle contentment with our routine.  And welcome to 2014.  May it bring blessings to each of us as we all grow into our lives.
